C. R. Denham II, M.D.
CEO, HCC Global Corporation
Chairman, TMIT Global

During Dr. Denham’s career spanning 40 years, his organizations have served hundreds of innovation and business development teams. He has led safety innovation adoption, technology transfer, and commercialization in academia and industry. See a video entitled HCC Global & TMIT Global History in the Videos and Presentations section for detail. He developed probabilistic risk and impact assessment tools to optimize the impact of innovations. His major focus has been in patient and caregiver safety from unintentional harm. His most recent work is in “all cause threat R&D”. The work which includes lifesaving bystander rescue care to save lives from failure to rescue care of the public at home and the know-how and skills to save lives before professional first responders arrive to an emergency through the Med Tac Global program. The program includes cyber-crime and bullying of children. He leads a team that is developing readiness, response, rescue, recovery, and resilience strategies, tactics, and innovations for organizations to survive through emergencies. He is addressing failure to rescue of the reputations of caregivers and patients through defamation that can occur after medical error or fraud. He is developing innovations that address such harm from medical error and healthcare fraud by caregivers, administrators, academics, and journalists in the healthcare sector. After witnessing firsthand and personally experiencing the damage caused by such unethical behavior, he is developing innovations that couple risk reduction continuing education to tailored insurance solutions and specialized legal and remediation services to protect honest caregivers, patients, and consumers. He has founded the Healthcare Innocence Project to help rescue the reputations of caregivers and patients who are being harmed. It focuses on whistleblower protection from harm generated by corporate misbehavior and harm from improper citizen and unethical professional journalism.  He seeks to champion the cause of protection of consumers rights to their consent of the use of their personal identity data by commercial enterprises. In 2025 his teams will be focused on specific health issues. They include protecting children online and leveraging the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence to make life safer for families and businesses that want to reach them. He is also focused on areas such as reducing the risks from microplastics in the oceans and the biosphere.

Academic Sketch

While in practice as a radiation oncologist, he began teaching biomedical engineering at the University of Texas at Austin and has taught innovation and product development at major medical centers. He has been an adjunct Professor of Health Services Engineering at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and has had teaching appointments as an Instructor at the Harvard School of Public Health and as a Lecturer with the faculty of Harvard Medical School. He was a Harvard Advanced Leadership Initiative Fellow in 2009 and a Senior Fellow in 2010 and 2011. His work there led to the production of a series of global documentaries on the Discovery Channel. He has also been an adviser to a number of Stanford University programs. He has served as Editor-in-Chief of the global Journal of Patient Safety and has more than 100 works including peer-reviewed papers and multimedia productions. He has been ranked in the top 50 Most Influential Physician Executives by Modern Healthcare in multiple years and has served as a regular columnist for the Wall Street Journal program The Experts: Journal Reports.

Business Sketch

He founded HCC Global Corporation, a for-profit innovation incubator, and TMIT Global, Corporation a non-profit medical research organization in 1984. The companies work collaboratively by incubating innovation programs with an emphasis on evidence-based threat safety science focused on reducing patient and caregiver harm. CareUniversity, one such initiative is a technology platform which delivers continuing education for consumers and caregivers focused on preventable risk reduction. One CareU initiative is the Med Tac Global Program which delivers emergency bystander rescue care training of the public and first responders. Another is Global Threat Safety Solutions which has developed innovations to protect healthcare professionals and consumers. Past projects include those led for Google, Siemens, GE, Johnson & Johnson, Roche, Premier, Cardinal Healthcare, and CareFusion.

HCC Global and TMIT Global

HCC Global, Corporation is a business development incubator and has led, developed, or supported 400 product development teams in more than 50 product categories, including pharmaceuticals, devices, capital equipment, fitness, food innovations, and healthcare risk reduction information technologies. It is currently served by a network of more than 500 clinical and administrative subject matter experts from a number of disciplines. Its mission is to save lives, save money, and create value in the communities it serves and ventures it builds.

TMIT Global, Corporation is a non-profit 501c3 medical research organization that drives adoption of healthcare performance improvement solutions. It is said to lead the world’s largest community of practice in patient safety served by the website www.SafetyLeaders.org. The TMIT Global National Research Test Bed is reached through the TMIT Global High Performer Webinar Series which celebrated its twelve year anniversary having delivered more than 200 sequential monthly free webinars and having delivered more than 450,000 hours of free continuing education to a network of more than 25,000 patient safety experts and caregivers from a pool of 80,000 participants in 3,000 communities. TMIT Global’s mission is identical to that of HCC Global’s. TMIT Global produced the 2010 award-winning documentary, Chasing Zero: Winning the War on Healthcare Harm, and Surfing the Healthcare Tsunami: Bring Your Best Board, both globally broadcasted on the Discovery Channel. Dr. Charles Denham and the TMIT Global team have supported U.S. national organizations such as The Leapfrog Group and the National Quality Forum in various ways, including in-kind support, financial grants, and software development in parallel with federal grants. Global collaboration has been undertaken through the Global Patient Safety Forum and through Global Teams with a presence in Switzerland with experts from around the world. To view video summary click here.

Emerging Threats

Dr. Denham’s development focus in recent years has been in “threat safety R&D” with specific attention to natural and manmade inside and outside threats to consumers and their families, caregivers, and institutions. This Threat Matrix approach is spawning a number of global initiatives. The Med Tac Global training program, currently being piloted in California, Texas, Florida, Minnesota, Arizona, and Hawaii, targets the leading causes of preventable failure to rescue deaths in children and adults from kindergarten through workforce ages to seniors. This includes online harm to children and youth. It is delivered through CareUniversity described below. The free program delivers bystander care training for the eight leading preventable causes of death. The R&D work is to develop the best integrated strategy to enable organizations get lifesaving bystander rescue care to victims within 3 minutes and care for them until professional first responders arrive. Infections being one of the preventable causes of death, TMIT developed rapid response team to help essential critical workers defined by Homeland Security. It has conducted a 1,000 worker household study focused on developing solutions to prevent COVID infections through families from the community. A second major focus is the prevention of professional identity harm through the abuse of academic and executive power such as weaponizing media publicly and institutional contamination of professional records for business purposes. A third is prevention of medical identity harm through contamination of medical records through error, cybersecurity breach, and fraud.  A fourth is the misuse of personal identity information by commercial enterprises without clear consent by consumers.  Dr. Denham and his team are working on risk reduction innovations that couple education to tailored insurance offerings that pay for the legal and forensic information technology services required to remediate professional and medical records after an incident. Dr. Denham is a co-founder of The Healthcare Innocence Project that applies the principles of The Innocence Project that has used DNA to exonerate the wrongly convicted. This early-stage project uses forensic analysis of professional healthcare records and medical records to protect caregivers and patients from unjust treatment. Equally important components of the program are strategies and innovations to protect legitimate whistleblowers from retaliation and bullying. The COVID crisis has generated unjust behaviors of organizations and unfair actors against professional caregivers and patients. TMIT is developing programs to help them.

Pandemic Readiness

In 2020, in response to the Coronavirus Crisis as mentioned above, Dr. Denham reconstituted the global team of experts he led who developed the national guidelines for US hospitals for hospital acquired conditions (HACs) through the National Quality Forum. They participated in continuing medical education TMIT developed to help hospitals during the Ebola outbreak in 2014.

By the end of the pandemic, TMIT had produced 33 Survive and Thrive Guide™ ninety-minute live courses and provided them for free to the global community as videos and podcasts.  TMIT became the training source for MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of California campuses, and University of Texas medical centers. The core team are now working on the failure to rescue patients through lifesaving innovations. The team is using their 1,000 critical essential worker study undertaken during the covid crisis to prepare for the next pandemic. All public health experts know it is only a matter of time before we have another one.


CareUniversity  is the learning management system serving TMIT Global and HCC Global. It provides online on-demand videos, courses, and podcasts and provides continuing education certificates for professionals. Originally serving the healthcare sector, it now serves educators and schools K–12 and institutions of higher learning.

CareMoms is an initiative envisioned to help mothers with programs for both high and low socioeconomic segments. CareKids is an initiative being developed in partnership with the Conrad Foundation to sponsor innovations by and for children and their families. All of these programs are designed to serve a formal purpose statement of CareUniversity, which is,

“We will measure our success by how we protect and enrich the lives of families.”

Selected Consumer Publications

Wall Street Journal Articles authored by Dr. Denham

Campus Safety Magazine Feature Articles


  • The 2018 Pete Conrad Global Patient Safety Award: Dr.Denham and the Med Tac Certificate Program Team awarded for lifesaving innovation. Link
  • Modern Healthcare: Ranked 38 in 50 Most Influential Physician Executives in Healthcare – 2012
  • Becker’s Hospital Review: 13 of the Most Influential Patient Safety Advocates in the United States
  • Patient Safety Day Nightingale and Codman Award 2011
  • American Society of Healthcare Pharmacists Board of Directors Leadership Award 2011
  • Modern Healthcare: Ranked #31 in Modern Healthcare’s 50 Most Powerful Physician Executives – 2006

Med Tac Global

While working at the Texas Medical Center with the MD Anderson Cancer Center leadership team on all-cause threat strategies for hospitals the team began dealing with the daunting task of preventing harm from terrorism, active shooter, and lethal force incidents. A global team was assembled, and an integrated program was developed to tackle improving bystander rescue care of the 8 leading preventable causes of death of otherwise healthy children, youth, and adults in their workforce years. Pilot programs are underway in California, Texas, Florida, Minnesota, and Hawaii. Click here for more detail presented on this website. Go to www.MedTacGlobal.org for general information. Go to www.MedTacOC.org to view work in the Orange County, California Performance Network.

Global Threat Safety Solutions

Dr. Denham and teams of leading clinical, operational, financial, and legal experts are developing offerings to address professional reputational liability, consumer medical identity harm, and harm from medical error and preventable adverse events to consumers and their families.  The team is focused on the proper and ethical use of personal identity information and the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence.  Solutions integrating predictive analytics, education, legal services, and tailored insurance offerings are being developed. Click here for more information if you have been provided a private password.